Nestled in the heart of Lingfeng Mountain Bamboo Park, Anji is renowned as one of the world’s most incredible bamboo gardens. Club Med Anji is the perfect urban backyard escape, combining nature, culture, and discovery.
Club Med Joyview is one of the three major product lines of Club Med, a new holiday concept which aims to provide a premium holiday experience for families and businesses in China best destinations. Club Med Joyview resorts are located within two to three hours of major cities.
After 1.5 hours drive away from Beijing downtown only, you will be surrounded by the picturesque landscape as if you were in the south of France. Start your day by taking a stroll in the nature, sip the gold medal winner wine in the chateau* & discover all kinds of new sensations. It's an escape and the experience of French fine living at your doorstep.
*At extra cost