All-inclusive vacations
At Club Med, we not only invented the idea of the all-inclusive vacation, we are still reinventing and redefining the concept to give everyone - adults and children alike - the most invigorating vacations imaginable.
The dream dates back to 1950 when what we have now become was just the vision of a former water polo champion from Belgium. What Gérard Blitz imagined was luxury all-inclusive vacations in places where happiness could be created without any hassle.
His idea was to offer people all-inclusive vacations as a new kind of shared experience where you can unwind and enjoy a unique type of vacation with everything imaginable included in the price at resorts in some of the world’s most beautiful locations.
Fast forward 71 years and we now have more than 70 premium resorts - we call them villages - throughout the world from the Alps to Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Our Gentils Organisateurs or Gentle Organizers (GOs), as our team are known, now number 14,000 and come to us from about 100 different nationalities. Resort managers are called chefs de village or Village Chiefs, by the way.
We make sure all our guests - who we call Great Members - feel well looked after. All we encourage you to do is reconnect and unwind with our packages. They include every ingredient anyone could ask for to enjoy a really dreamy break from everyday life.