An old commitment, an up-to-date approach
From 1950 to today, some key dates
§ 1950: birth of Club Méditerranée, initially a non-profit association
§ 1965: opening of the first permanent Village in Agadir (Morocco), a destination chosen for its beauty and hospitality, but also to contribute to the rebirth of a region that was devastated by the earthquake of 1960
§ 1973: construction of the first wastewater treatment plant in Mauritius at Pointe aux Canonniers
§ 1978: creation of the largest solar panel field in Europe at Club Med des Boucaniers, in Martinique
§ 1979: birth of the Club Med Foundation
§ 2005: creation of the Club Med sustainable development department
§ 2012: Valmorel, first mountain hotel in France to be certified HQE (High Environmental Quality)
§ 2013: first natural swimming pool in China, at Club Med in Guilin
§ 2019: launch of the Happy to Care scheme