在蒂涅滑雪勝地 Val Claret 最熱鬧的地方,全新的 Club Med 蒂涅度假村為您的山區滑雪假期增添了光彩。在這裡,挑戰各種不同等級難度的雪道,更可以與家人朋友一起嘗試多元種類的非滑雪活動體驗最經典的阿爾卑斯山區假期。度假村內客房裝飾使用的顏色和圖案為傳統的山區特色增添了活力。全新設立頂級奢華空間,讓您的假期更多種奢華的選擇,享受假期給您的極致美好。
Sustainability is part of the journey
Energy management
Insulation, heat pumps, semi-automated building control, solar panels, an innovative heat recovery system for the showers... our Resort is designed to limit energy consumption.
Green Globe certified
In June 2023, our Resort obtained its first Green Globe certification, guaranteeing responsible operations across components as: waste management, energy & water consumptions, responsible purchases, pollution limitation, biodiversity preservation.